Wazzub is brand new online making money!

Here is a very exciting for your New Year 2012, wazzub is coming soon! It is a multi-billion cost project funded since 2007.What is it all about? Well, as the generation search engine Google and Yahoo become more richer, now the new program want to be as like those gigantic online programs.Wazzub will be another giant search engine only if more people will use it.The more members the more income for the program.It differs to the other existing search engine because a member will be paid for using it services.

It promises to give its members 1 dollar per signup.A sample computation of possible earnings is provided here.Basically it is a FREE to join program so let's try it and see the result!It is a good income opportunity for those who regularly using internet or who is inactive online but have several friends in its network.Let your circle grow and multiple your members as your earnings is flooding to your account.
This is an excerpt from blog site of Wazzub:

You simply invite 5 friends to join for f*r*e*e-forever and they do the same 5 generations:

1st. Generation 5 x $1.00 = $5.00
2nd. Generation 25 x $1.00 = $25.00
3rd. Generation 125 x $1.00 = $125.00
4th. Generation 625 x $1.00 = $625.00
5th. Generation 3125 x $1.00 = $3,125.00
Your Passive Income could be = $3,905.00 every month for doing NOTHING different than what you are currently doing every day.

Most people will invite more than 5 f*r*e*e members.
What if everyone invited just 10 people? 
That amount would EXPLODE to$111,110.00 per month in passive residual income for LIFE!

Here's the KICKERIt doesn't stop there. The more people you invite the more money you'll make. The number of people you can invite is UNLIMITED.
Try 20 or 30 and see what happens... IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!

It's a fact that most people will join because it's UNIQUE,
it's POWERFUL and it's F*R*E*E. Everybody loves  F*R*E*E.

~The sky truly is the limit here at WAZZUB ~

How to earn from this program? Very easy as sign up FREE then invite your friends to join while it is still on prelaunch!Once the site will start you already have credits ready for payout!

Is this really paying?Discover it by yourself...starts here


Unknown said…
Very informative post!! Like it :)

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