Tonaday still pays?

Hello friends, are you worried now that Toneaday campaign earnings  for August 2011 still unpaid?Normally,  TAD pays for last month campaign earnings  every first week of the current month.Some members especially new registrants or first time campaign earners are having doubt with TAD.Will they pay us or no more? Well, as far as my experience is concern, I am with TAD since the 1st batch started.Definitely TAD pays every deserving members.From weekly draws to monthly payout, I never had any problems so far.Let's cross fingers for this month payout.I can suggest you visit this page for more updates!One thing I observed is that the very fast growing population of TAD raters nowadays.To enjoy more and appreciate best the purpose of TAD why not try to see their facebook page and understand some activities that might give ideas about TAD.See you there!


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