JSS to Profitclicking how to cash out?
Recently, just got my withdrawal request from Profitclicking. Not much amount of money but a real cash out of simple task makes anyone happy. Unlike before, the new site wasn't able to pay me after 10 days from request date. At first, I thought it wouldn't be realized anymore but finally had the tangible cash dated 05 oCTOBER 2012. .Hey, hey, it's time to celebrate.
How to withdraw your Profitclicking income? The steps are easier now. Just hit the wallet button and go to Payment processors page (be sure it's already linked to your account and done the activation). Minimum balance for payout $20. Make a request for a withdrawal then wait for 10 days and have your cash on hand. Good Luck!!! Ready to give a try with Profitclicking? Start free here. Guys this site has stopped paying its members.
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