How to open an EON Union Bank Cyber Account (Online or Offline)

Here are the basic steps to get an EON ATM Card from Union Bank:

1.Apply online (please see the sponsor link) or visit any Union Bank branches near to your location.
2.After having the EON ATM Card enroll it online see the page here.
    1.Paypal verification
    2.Fast transaction without a need of wasting time fall in line on ATM booths for receiving cash or transferring funds to your other bank accounts or friends accounts for paying bills and shopping onlines and even buying prepaid loads for celfon and internet gaming cards or internet prepaid connection now you can do through access of your Union Bank account online.


Is this true? I will try to follow this. I hope it is not a scam. Online transactions can be worrisome sometimes.
Zearah said…
@cagayan de oro jobs, I can share some info about diff jobs online.

Zearah said…
@ Ms. Nheri

Pano po ba yung annual membership fee pede ba yon if ako ang magbabayad para sa account ng kapatid ko sa unemployed site?

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