Tips to TextcashNetwork-BigIncomeOpportunity-Posting Ads

Here are basic steps how to start with the task posting ads to several portal sites.

Sample portal is Wantedwants:

Start with this link

or if you happen to land on the home page you can follow this steps:

1.Click target city/country- Philippines for example

2.Click Post an Ad

3.Click the particular city - or Philippine cities as example

4.Select a category- Employers wanting talent as example

5.Select a sub-category- or Business Opportunity as example

6.Final page -fill up the necessary info then Post the ads as you copied from the source, you can edit as you wish.

7.Do not forget your email (that is important for completion of your posted ads the portal wantedwants will confirm your email address)

Congratulations!Your ad is now posted.


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